“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”
– Albert Einstein
“What quantum physics teaches us is that everything we thought was physical is not physical.”
– Bruce Lipton
Blog Disclaimer: Yes this post is going to get Woo-Woo!
If you’re not feeling it or it doesn’t resonate that’s ok — we’re all on our own journey’s and it is not intended to invalidate yours. I’m just sharing what’s worked for me. Also, please note this is not intended as a substitute for consulting with your physician – very important, thank you!
I can’t shake that it seems those who are very light, (can unfortunately) appear attractive to the dark — that stands for empaths being very attracted to narcissists, or lightworkers being attractive to dark beings.
I’ve never really resonated with entities (It’s not something I’ve ever wanted to research or learn about) but there have been numerous times where I have felt low, lethargic and just not myself and have wondered if I’ve come in contact with something. And wanted to clear my energy!
I also believe that if we sense we may have negative energy on us, then by the same token, we must have the innate ability to be able to clear negative energy from us, ourselves.
Can I Clear Negative Energies For Myself?
Yes and today I’d like to share two of my favourite clearing techniques that I have worked with and adapted over the years. Best of all, you can do them yourself and they only take about five minutes to complete! Yes, that means you don’t have to go outside of yourself or to an energy healer if you don’t want too — you can empower yourself. I hope you enjoy it!
How to Clear yourself of Negative Energy with a Pendulum
Pendulums are amazing. They are programable with intention and provide quick results. Aside from accessing your intuition with a pendumul, you can also use it to clear negative energy just by setting the intention that you would like to do so! Here are the steps:
01 Choose a pendulum:
You can purchase a pendulum from a metaphysical or spiritual shop or online. Or you can use one of your necklaces (this is my favorite option) just to make sure the pendant is symmetrical and balanced.
02 Hold the pendulum:
Hold the pendulum by the end of the chain or string between your thumb and index finger. With a necklace, I like to wrap the clasp end around my index finger a few times.
03 Clear your mind and set your intention:
It’s important to clear your mind before using a pendulum; you can do this by taking a few deep breaths, then focus your intention and say — “I ask for the highest possible frequencies and only source energy to come through”
04 Establish the direction:
Determine which direction represents certain actions!
To do this, ask the pendulum:
“Please show me ‘clearing’”[wait and notice how the pendulum swings]
“Please show me ‘energizing’” [wait and notice how the pendulum swings]
05 Cleanse yourself:
~ Feel free to adapt the wording to what feels right for you ~
Clear your mind and set your intention by saying aloud or in your mind:
“Please clear away any negative or misqualified energy or contamination in any form located in my body or my aura and transume it / send it back to its original source. Please stop the pendulum once it is complete.”
06 Raise your vibration:
~ Feel free to adapt the wording to what feels right for you ~
Clear your mind and set your intention by saying aloud or in your mind:
“Please raise my vibration / energize me to my higher self, inner being, and the highest possible frequencies and engulf me in the source energy of love light. Please stop the pendulum once it is complete.”
You can even ask your pendulum if you’re engery has been cleansed (it if worked) and wait to the answer — how cool is that!
How to Clear yourself of Negative Energy with a Decree
Another way to clear negative energies is using a decree. A decree is like a spoken request that is heard and completed by universal energies.
I first learned about decrees from lightasension.com. I stumbled somehow on to a page and I knew it held important information for me. It was a beautiful click.
The first decree I did was to clear negative energies (and / or any entities) from me. After I said it, I intuitively heard “it is done” – which was actually way cool. I was surprised but super pleased 🙂
This works for me because I have done this a few times now with great results, so when I do complete it, I have the expectation that it will work and the power and intention behind it.
Sandy from lightascention explains how a Decree works: “Under Universal Law, the Light Force on Earth holds a Right to Decree. This allows Lightworkers to make a request to Divine Consciousness on behalf of the various soul families on Earth.”
I believe if this resonates with you, you can do a Decree and it will connect with the light and complete your request if it’s for your highest good.
They are a bit wordy but thorough. I also like to add a set up statement at the beginning (said once) that focuses my intention and clicks-me- in personally. Here it is:
“I hold the right to Decree under universal law and have the right to request assistance from the great forces of Light, all Councils, Alliances, Federations, Ascended Masters and every kingdom on earth, for my highest good and with the highest Source of all Creation”
Clear Negative Energy from Your Body
Here is a simple decree you can use to clear negative energies from yourself:
Say 3 times “By Divine Decree, in the name of the Source of All Light…”
THEN say aloud …
“I transmute in this moment, any negative or misqualified energy or contamination in any form, affecting myself or my role on Earth, where this is linked in any way to any negative being or energy, to be done in a manner of grace and ease and where it be in highest Divine Order.”
“So Be It. So It is. It Is Done.”
Clear Negative Entities from Your Body
Here is a simple decree you can use to clear negative entities from yourself:
Say 3 times ” “By Divine Decree, in the name of the Source of All Light…”
THEN say aloud …
“In the Name of Source, under Universal and Cosmic Law, I demand that any negative or dark force be in any dimension, located in my space or my lower subtle bodies – leaves now, never to return and are not replaced. I break all agreements I have made, knowingly or unknowingly, with any Being whose intent is against the Light.”
“So It Is. It is So. It Is Done.”
To learn more about Decrees, what you can use them for and how to create your own you may like this related article ‘the right to decree’ >>
Feel free to try any of the above yourself, and if a particular word doesn’t resonate, just replace it for a different word that energizes you. If you have any of your own techniques that have helped you and that you can recommend, we’d love to hear those too.
Jess is a designer, writer and womens wellness advocate. She believes that each of us have our own unique experiences and stories to share to educate and uplift one another.