10 Effective Methods of Natural Birth Control

Fertility Awareness



Any non-hormonal, non-intrusive forms of contraception are considered ‘natural birth control.’

A woman’s choice in birth control is an incredibly personal decision, with lots of factors to consider. Below we’ll discuss the effectiveness of each no hormonal birth control option to help you choose the best option for you!

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10 Effective Methods of Natural Birth Control

Natural birth control usually falls under one of two categories; barrier methods; that create a physical barrier, and fertility awareness methods; based on biology and that work in harmony with a woman’s cycle.

Barrier Natural Birth Control Options

  • Condoms
  • Diaphragm
  • Cervical cap
  • Contraceptive sponge

Fertility Awareness Natural Birth Control Options

  • The sympto thermal method
  • Natural family planning
  • The billings method
  • The temperature method
  • Daysy fertility monitor
  • Natural cycles

Most effectiveness rates are presented as a percentage. However it is important to note that the percentage quoted does not reflect the percentage rate that a method will work or not work, but rather the percentage of people who will avoid pregnancy in a year of using that method. As a comparative example, the birth control pill is 99.7% effective with perfect use and 93% effective with typical use.

natural birth control - barrier methods

01. Condoms

Condoms work as a latex barrier against semen to enter the vagina. They can be used with water-based or silicone-based lube, just be aware that oil-based lubes should not be used with condoms and they may cause them to break.

*Condoms are the only method that prevents against sexually transmitted diseases & pregnancy*

How effective are condoms

Condoms are 98% effective with perfect use and 87% effective with typical use for preventing pregnancy.

02. Diaphragms

A diaphragm works as a barrier against sperm from entering the uterus by covering the cervix. Spermicide is put into the bowl of the diaphragm and along its edges for added protection and then it’s placed high into the vagina so it covers the cervix.  After intercourse, the cervical cap is left in place for at least 6 hours, and no longer than 48 hours.

How effective are diaphragms

Diaphragms are 84% effective with perfect use and 83% effective with typical use at preventing pregnancy.

03. Cervical Cap

A cervical cap of femcap works as a barrier against sperm from entering the uterus by covering the cervix. Spermicide is put into the bowl of the cap and along its edges for added protection and then it’s placed high into the vagina so it covers the cervix. After intercourse, the cervical cap is left in place for at least 6 hours, and no longer than 48 hours.

How effective are cervical caps

FemCap is 85.6% effective with typical use and is estimated to have a failure rate of 7.6%

04. Contraceptive Sponge

The Today sponge works by combining spermicide and a barrier against sperm from entering the uterus by covering the cervix. The sponge can be inserted up to 24 hours before sex and It starts working as soon as you activate the spermicide with water and inserted. After intercourse, the sponge is left in place for at least 6 hours, but no longer than 30 hours. (Unlike the diaphram and cap, you can safely have sex for up to 24 hours after putting in the sponge without reaplying spermacide, and still leave it in for the required 6 hours after sex.)

How effective are contraceptive sponges

The contraceptive sponge is realistically 86% effective with typical use for women who have never given birth. For women who have given birth, the sponge is 78% effective.

natural birth control - fertility awareness methods

05. The Sympto Thermal Method

The Sympto-Thermal Method of Fertility Awareness is a natural form of birth control practiced by observing and recording two of our body’s fertility signs: basal body temperature and cervical fluid, which can be used to plan or prevent pregnancy.

Once you learn the method, observing and charting your fertility signs takes only a couple of minutes per day.

How effective is the sympto thermal method

The Sympto Thermal Method is 99.4% effective with perfect use and 98% with typical use.

Wonderful Within Online Course

Learn how to use the sympto thermal method to prevent pregnancy naturally with our online course!
A fertility awareness self study course for charting your cycle and natually preventing pregnancy. Learn More >>

06. Natural Family Planning

The Natural Family Planning Method of Fertility Awareness is a natural form of birth control practiced by observing and recording two of our body’s fertility signs: basal body temperature and cervical fluid, which can be used to plan or prevent pregnancy. A couple practicing NFL will usually abstain from sex for religeous reasons rather than using a barrier method of contraception, such as condoms during the woman’s fertile window.

How effective is natural family planning

Natural family planning is 99.4% effective with perfect use and 98% with typical use.

07. The Billings Method

The Billings Ovulation Method of Fertility Awareness is a natural form of birth control practiced by observing and recording one of our body’s fertility signs: cervical fluid, which can be used to plan or prevent pregnancy. Because only cervical fluid is observed, we do not have the benefit of confirming ovulation has already taken place.

How effective is the billings method

The Billings Ovulation Method has been found to be 99.5% percent effective.

08. The Temperature Method

The Temperature Method or BBT Method of Fertility Awareness is a natural form of birth control practiced by recording one of our bodies fertility signs: basal body temperature (or waking temperature) to confirm ovulation has already taken place. Because only temperature is observed, we do not have the benefit of knowing when the start of our fertile window has began, the most likely time of conception.

How effective is the temperature method

The World Health Oranization states that the temerpature method does not have any reliable effectiveness rates available.

09. Daysy Fertility Monitor

The Daysy is a small fertility monitor device which uses the temperature method, along with an algorithm that learns and tracks your unique cycle. You take your temperature every morning, record when you menstruate and you will be shown if you are fertile or infertile that day with a color. Daysy is all natural, free from side effects and no charting is necessary, however you do have to follow the strict temperature taking guidelines to ensure you record an accurate basal body temperature for the technology to analyze.

How effective is the daysy fertility monitor

Daysy is 99.4% effective with perfect use, based on 0.6% of infertile days identified as false positives. The indipendant study discusses that “skipping [missed BBT recording] seems to have a direct effect on fertility identification” and concludes “further research is needed to explore the efficacy of the device in a prospective study.”

10. Natural Cycles

Natural Cycles is a Fertility awareness-based app used in conjunction with a BBT thermometer which uses the temperature method, along with an algorithm that learns and tracks your unique cycle. You take your temperature every morning, record when you menstruate and you will be shown if you are fertile or infertile for the day. Natural Cycles is all natural, free from side effects and no charting is necessary, however you do have to follow the strict temperature taking guidelines to ensure you record an accurate basal body temperature for the technology to analyze.

How effective is natural cycles

Natural cycles is 98% effective with perfect use and 93% effective with typical use.

What Is The Best Form of Natural Birth Control?

The best form of natural birth control will be unique to you individually. The two most important factors to consider will likely be:

– The method that has the highest effective rate in a clinical study

– The method that is most suited to you, your lifestyle and which you believe you will use most accurately and consistently.

What is a Perfect Use Effective Rate? What is a Typical Use Effective Rate?

These are a percentage of women who won’t become pregnant each year.

If condoms are listed as 87% effective, that doesn’t mean that if you use condoms 100 times they will fail 2% of the time. It means that for every 100 people who use condoms as their only method of birth control for a year, 18 will become pregnant. This is what is called a “typical use” rate. Researchers then usually try to correct for misuse of the method to produce a “perfect rate.” In the case of condoms, those pregnancies that resulted from known errors (putting on the condom incorrectly or only part way through sexual activity) would be eliminated to create the “perfect rate” measure. In this case, condoms have a 98% perfect use efficacy rate.

Inneffective Methods (Not Recommended)

These include the Calendar Method, the Rhythm Method, Cycle Beads and the Standard Days Method. All of these methods do not observe and chart any fertility signs but rely on on a woman’s past cycles to predict which day ovulation will take place, assuming it will be at the same time month after month. As this is not the case, these methods are outdated and ineffective in preventing pregnancy given the science we have now.



Trussell J . Contraceptive Efficacy. In Hatcher R A, Trussell J, Nelson A L , Cates W, Kowal D, Policar M. Contraceptive Technology: New York NY: Ardent Media, 2018—>How effective is the sponge:

Family planning / contraceptive methods by the World Health Organization: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/family-planning-contraception

The Billings Ovulation Method has been found to be 99.5% percent effective: https://billings.life/en/effectiveness-in-preventing-pregnancy.html

Natural cycles is 98% effective with perfect use: https://www.naturalcycles.com/publications 

FemCap claims it is has been proven to be 92% successful but the study actually reads ‘The typical failure rate was estimated to be 7.6%’

FemCap was successful in preventing pregnancy in 85.6% typical, unadjusted use in a clinical trial:

Daisy is 99.4% accurate with perfect use.
Daysy is 99.4% effective with perfect use, based on 0.6% of infertile days identified as false positives. The indipendant study discusses that “skipping [missed BBT recording] seems to have a direct effect on fertility identification” and concludes “further research is needed to explore the efficacy of the device in a prospective study.”



That was a list of 10 natural birth control options; non-hormonal and non-intrusive. I hope by sharing these methods and the effectiveness rates, this helps you start to consider that you have options!

The best form of natural birth control will be unique to you individually; the method that is most suited to you, your lifestyle and which you believe you will use most accurately and consistently.

If natural birth control sounds interesting to you, I invite you to our fertility awareness online self-study course. You can learn more here > 


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