In this article, you'll find all the essential information you need to know about removing a menstrual cup! My goal for this blog post is to relieve some anxiety around the thought of trying a menstrual cup, (because of the removing process) and perhaps give you the...
Menstrual Cup Pros and Cons: Choose What’s Right For You
In this article, you'll find all the essential information you need to know about comparing menstrual cup pros and cons. My goal for this blog post is to put some light on what menstrual cups are, there benefits and any potential drawbacks that'd you'd like to be...
Must-Try Period Products to Simplify Your Monthly Cycle
Periods. Ugh, right? From cramps to mood swings, the monthly struggle is real. But the right period products can make that time of the month so much more manageable. So in this post, i'll spill the tea on products that can make that time of the month a lot less "ugh"...
The 4 Menstrual Cycle Phases & How To Embrace Each
Isn't it incredible how our bodies work? I mean, sure, it can be confusing sometimes, but you know what? When we really tune into our bodies and understand their natural ebbs and flows, we can start working with it instead of against it. In this blog, I'm sharing tips...